A Wrong A.I.


Today is Thersday, Junear, 2006. On Sunday, I went to my backyard
the yard the yard the arse the yard
then I went to Mum,
best day is Aurumday as the same then I want

Today is Monday, May 20, 2006. On Sunday, I went to my couse. 
They got the some the same the some to see
We played 
Was the other house, they were to see.

Today is Monday, I went to Ali’s house, the some to my soul. 
I want the some the soul the some to my couse
you are the some, the art, and the same
and I want the same too 

we hid things
I’m on my soul. 
On Suturday, I pay the gods and 

I went to leave it, maybe as it is. Some, and seeps, 
you part me, 
I’m hot. 
Far, It is radiating through to my arteries
I’m that thing either way, so pray. 
Everything is

Everything is some
the some the some, and my friend and I want to be books. 
I was the same to my some 
I was to beaks that soar as some

Everything is both
I went over the other future, ambering in, and I can’t take the shade
Today is Tousery, 
it’s today, and I got you

Ali got the some
to play with, to seed the air 
at worst, to the some the same, 
to seed, I was sore 
Summer, the way I was the air

cousin and the some the some the some 
the last the mass, and I want gone 
sad, I’m sad couse. 
I want the mother, the some, the then,
and I was some way both

after Romulus, ole Holyoke lake,
On Saturday, I went to BJ’s for the some 
We balance all. 
On Saturday, I went to Monday, couse,
the past barren, I

I love. I tear. I would, but so early somnis.
Today is Tousdday, Jatu ray 2006. On Sanurday, I went to Manday, 
I was betwixt, beneath, and the fare to Erin got behind

Then the maze, the lava to my couse 
The as I see share that I want,
The lair, the parthenon and think I want the labyrinth
First they say some, now sure
then I went to dead yard someday, and I 

I want and did that sentry that saw Anne Dorsey
there went wandering Christ.
Today is Friday, Jaye 11, 2005. 
Mum and sister, I ally myself pristine.

Ali’s my house, but I need to have my own books. 
I make it. We weed out some and Erin, past, echoes it 
NyQuil owl, its fist, then that. The day held nary a variation,
have light

My hands are the some, the art 
on the some, they are 
the some the some the 
lay the some, the art,
and the some to my soul is the same 
to seed the air, at the same air

On S, Today I have to go,
are the same are the soul the some 
Rome to my choir is some ray. 
I was the same to my couse. I am the same, the air
O my friend, some the some the last the art the some 

On 6#, 
One way thing and I’m too far,
the mare and I’m the road, and you’re the sonorous May. I was too tall for this in the same way
sing that she come that summer, 
that lay seed summer
the sea

on Fenday is Manday, I went on a boat,
here war is mad, and I wore the lanyard, then we 
the too kind to try 
some the some to soar and I want some
I made and I want to go on air. I dare to soar. 
I don’t 

just now, at Erin’s
its ending tome tiks,
soul is played then on the ding 
O Christ, tok, at Shelburne Falls, tell all.
I hate me, play us holy. 
I leave too, ending a selkie river bend

On Saturday, I went to Ali,
the same in the meadow, finish.
Today is Monday, Aurumday, I went to Monday and dent,
two are seen, reading, and Locke wrote to Erin freeing

Tomorrow, we told
I wish the house, the perfect, the tome 
on Monday, Ontober is like the plié, the plane, so please, king,
I was the ion beneath
who got the forest

I think that’s how it looks,
wanking to you,
and begging and you leave to be the oldest 
of eating, of sixteen, leer for the going
to this. For the kind, the gates open, the loss we kindle for.

I feel late, west no apple, and landlocked,
old my sole, Bic lighter on ankle 
“loose footing,”
get liked, want dandelion and deer and awe 
firm, these are longer breaths. I go on not to keep,
but to wash off

Today is Monday, I went to there then the theater
the art, then in Sheday, I went to Ali.
Amo and love soon are in Sheday, and I want to be too
Mass and love soon are then in me

I went to Ali 
Amo Ali Ali, the art, airing, and I want to love soon
Then in Sheday, and I went to Ali 
Amo Ali, the art airing, and I want to be loved soon

dreamy bore,
Ale for books 
I went to Saturday, I went to Suturday, I went to Mokeat, 
between places, offered cuss
Today is Manday, Januar, 3, 2008. I go

I feel like a saint, and we were, and so here 
the day waits for the soul to walk on the forest,
and she plays

I got well to go 
O chorus, sing that I was done
O mother, you have my wail: never be that anxious
I went this Saturday, I went to Air
I want to go. I want to see

house in a wave for the helpless,
wet erase, but searing. 
To sailing without a life boat, west to Erin as in the sister sadly 
in Saturday, I am tired, I went to Air
change who feel, I am

house to live, I, when this is forgotten,
live in a state pine cemetery. 
It has Phoebus but nothing real written on the fir. 
Every written lie to death,
Today is Monday, Aurum

house in Sheday, I went to Saiurday,
I got the was and the fir
on the west, I was to you that day,
and we told, and the forest told

all gone, I am solely going to the same, and I am air. 
I also, I went to the hour
all sheen, and there as I soar, She made it day
O, Sanuaday, see, look

all wet at the song,
the rap of the serene, the home is rain
and you are it
you say days, I am air with Erin, I know,
light reading to plateau.
I go home with tonight

school with my grease
I want to see, so we played 
we slog out, wash
dip my toes enough the nights are cherry
I want the night and betwixt you, day, how new I feel

the artists for the hedonist then last, and I got a book,
and for that I’ve today had in soaring,
have the sand and here and then I

I went over Seaday, and I went to Sanurday, I went to the air
we have no good haste to send to you 
where we know 
for together and sane, and Air to Erin sent gold

Ali's house shiny and with you, the keys are
went to see like in the last, for me to hate and hover 
sink to sea Ali, and I was sea foam
seashell cone. We fire then were fire
You pass after, 
well leave it, 
the sand blew school over
Ardently, pale this Sunday, I went to Air

Today is Monday, October 14, 2010. I can’t monetize
a being. I was reading shine or air, my Ali
was part of the sea, not LA, the part of me. 
I’m home. It still fits.